【スタッフ紹介】谷口 暁彦
【卒業年】 2004年(平成16年)
【専門領域】 呼吸器・アレルギー
2004年5月 倉敷市立児島市民病院 初期研修医
2006年4月 国家公務員共済組合連合会 呉共済病院
2009年6月 岡山大学病院 呼吸器・アレルギー内科 医員
2012年6月 岡山大学病院 呼吸器・アレルギー内科 助教
2016年4月 岡山大学 保健管理センター 助教
2018年1月 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 助教(血液・腫瘍・呼吸器内科学)
【一言】 臨床はもちろん,研究・教育にも精一杯取り組んでまいります。
Senoo S, Miyahara N, Taniguchi A, Oda N, Itano J, Higo H, Hara N, Watanabe H, Kano H, Suwaki T, Fuchimoto Y, Kajimoto K, Ichikawa H, Kudo K, Shibayama T, Tanimoto Y, Kuyama S, Kanehiro A, Maeda Y, Kiura K; Okayama Respiratory Disease Study Group (ORDSG). Nintedanib can be used safely and effectively for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with predicted forced vital capacity ≤ 50%: A multi-center retrospective analysis. PLoS One. 2020;15(8):e0236935.
Higo H, Miyahara N, Taniguchi A, Senoo S, Itano J, Watanabe H, Oda N, Kayatani H, Ichikawa H, Shibayama T, Kajimoto K, Tanimoto Y, Kanehiro A, Maeda Y, Kiura K; OKAYAMA respiratory disease study group (ORDSG). Deterioration of high-resolution computed tomography findings predicts disease progression after initial decline in forced vital capacity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients treated with pirfenidone. Respir Investig. 2020;58(3):185-189.
Marukawa M, Taniguchi A, Kimura G, Kunichika N, Kuyama S, Maeda Y, Kiura K, Miyahara N; OKAYAMA Respiratory Disease Study Group (ORDSG). Solitary pulmonary nodules caused by Mycobacterium avium complex. Respir Investig. 2019;57(6):566-573.
Oda N, Miyahara N, Taniguchi A, Morichika D, Senoo S, Fujii U, Itano J, Gion Y, Kiura K, Kanehiro A, Maeda Y. Requirement for neuropeptide Y in the development of type 2 responses and allergen induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2019;316(3):L407-L417.
Morichika D, Miyahara N, Fujii U, Taniguchi A, Oda N, Senoo S, Kataoka M, Tanimoto M, Kakuta H, Kiura K, Maeda Y, Kanehiro A. A retinoid X receptor partial agonist attenuates pulmonary emphysema and airway inflammation. Respir Res. 2019;20(1):2.
Oda N, Miyahara N, Ichikawa H, Tanimoto Y, Kajimoto K, Sakugawa M, Kawai H, Taniguchi A, Morichika D, Tanimoto M, Kanehiro A, Kiura K. Long-term effects of beta-blocker use on lung function in Japanese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2017;12: 1119-1124.
Fujii U, Miyahara N, Taniguchi A, Waseda K, Morichika D, Waseda K, Kurimoto E, Kataoka M, Kakuta H, Tanimoto M, Kanehiro A. Effect of a retinoid x receptor partial agonist on airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in a murine model of asthma. Respir Res 2017; 18(1): 23
Fujii U, Miyahara N, Taniguchi A, Waseda K, Morichika D, Kurimoto E, Koga H, Kataoka M, Gelfand EW, Cua DJ, Yoshimura A, Tanimoto M, Kanehiro A: IL-23 is Essential for the Development of Elastase-induced Pulmonary Inflammation and Emphysema. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2016; 55, 697-707.
Taniguchi A, Miyahara N, Waseda K, Kurimoto E, Fujii U, Tanimoto Y, Kataoka M, Yamamoto Y, Gelfand EW, Yamamoto H, Tanimoto M, Kanehiro A. Contrasting roles for the receptor for advanced glycation end-products on structural cells in allergic airway inflammation vs. airway hyperresponsiveness. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2015 Oct 15;309(8):L789-800
Waseda K, Miyahara N, Taniguchi A, Kurimoto E, Ikeda G, Koga H, Fujii U, Yamamoto Y, Gelfand EW, Yamamoto H, Tanimoto M, Kanehiro A. Emphysema Requires the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products Triggering on Structural Cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2015 Apr;52(4):482-91
Ikeda G, Miyahara N, Koga H, Fuchimoto Y, Waseda K, Kurimoto E, Taniguchi A, Tanimoto Y, Kataoka M, Tanimoto M, Kanehiro A. Effect of a cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist on experimental emphysema and asthma combined with emphysema. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2014 Jan;50(1):18-29
Kurimoto E, Miyahara N, Kanehiro A, Waseda K, Taniguchi A, Ikeda G, Koga H, Nishimori H, Tanimoto Y, Kataoka M, Iwakura Y, Gelfand EW, Tanimoto M. IL-17A is essential to the development of elastase-induced pulmonary inflammation and emphysema in mice. Respir Res. 2013 Jan 20;14:5
Shiota Y, Taniguchi A, Yuzurio S, Horita N, Hosokawa S, Watanabe Y, Tohmori H, Ono T; Okayama Respiratory Disease Study Group. Septic pulmonary embolism induced by dental infection. Acta Med Okayama. 2013;67(4):253-8