【スタッフ紹介】木浦 勝行
【卒業年】 1983年(昭和58年)
【学位取得年月】 1993年(平成5年)9月
1983年(昭和58年) 4月 岡山大学医学部第2内科入局
1992年(平成 4年) 1月 岡山大学医学部附属分子細胞医学研究施設助手
1992年(平成 4年) 4月 岡山大学医学部附属病院助手(第2内科)
2000年(平成12年) 4月 岡山大学医学部附属病院講師(第2内科)
2003年(平成15年)10月 岡山大学医学部・歯学部附属病院講師(呼吸器内科)
2005年(平成17年) 7月 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科病態制御科学専攻
2009年(平成21年) 4月 岡山大学病院副科長(血液・腫瘍内科)(呼吸器・アレルギー内科)
2011年(平成23年) 5月 岡山大学病院 呼吸器・アレルギー内科 教授
平成 5年 7月 1日~平成7年 6月30日 米国ニューヨーク州立大学バッファロー校
病理学教室分子免疫生物学部門(Postdoctoral fellow)として留学
Thoracic Oncology
・Concomitant chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer
・Chemotherapy and molecular targeted therapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer
・Activating EGFR gene mutation positive lung cancer
・Chemoprevention for non-small cell lung cancer
[Concomitant chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer]
- Kiura K, Ueoka H, Segawa Y, Tabata M, Kamei H, Takigawa N, Hiraki S, Watanabe Y, Bessho A, Eguchi A, Okimoto N, Harita S, Takemoto M, Hiraki Y, Harada M, Tanimoto M for the Okayama Lung Cancer Study Group: Phase I/II Study of docetaxel and cisplatin with concurrent thoracic radiation therapy for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Br J Cancer, 89(5):795-802, 2003
- Takigawa N, Kiura K, Segawa Y, Watanabe Y, Kamei H, Moritaka T, Shibayama T, Ueoka H, Gemba K, Yonei T, Tabata M, Shinkai T, Hiraki S, Takemoto M, Kanazawa S, Matsuo K, Tanimoto M: Second primary cancer in survivors following concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Br J Cancer, 95(9):1142-4, 2006
- Segawa Y, Kiura K, Takigawa N, Kamei H, Harita S, Hiraki S, Watanabe Y, Sugimoto K, Shibayama T, Yonei T, Ueoka H, Takemoto M, Kanazawa S, Takata I, Nogami N, Hotta K, Hiraki A, Tabata M, Matsuo K, Tanimoto M: Phase III trial comparing docetaxel and cisplatin combination chemotherapy with mitomycin, vindesine, and cisplatin combination chemotherapy with concurrent thoracic radiotherapy in locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: OLCSG 0007. J Clin Oncol., 28(20):3299-306, 2010
- Toyooka S,Kiura K, Takemoto M, Oto T, Takigawa N, Fujiwara T, Miyoshi S, Date H: Long-term outcome of induction chemoradiotherapy with docetaxel and cisplatin followed by surgery for non-small-cell lung cancer with mediastinal lymph node metastasis. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 14(5):565-9, 2012
[Chemotherapy and molecular targeted therapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer]
- Kiura K, Takigawa N, Segawa Y, Tabata M, Shibayama T, Gemba K, Bessho A, Fujimoto N, Takata I, Hotta K, Fujiwara K, Tokuda Y, Kuyama S, Shinkai T, Hiroshi Ueoka H, Tanimoto M: Triple combination chemotherapy with cisplatin, docetaxel and irinotecan for advanced non—small-cell lung cancer: A phase I/II trial. J Thorrac Oncol.,2(1):44-50, 2007
- Kiura K, Nakagawa K, Shinkai T, Eguchi K, Ohe Y, Yamamoto N, Tsuboi M, Yokota S, Seto T, Jiang H, Nishio K, Saijo N, Fukuoka M: A randomized, double-blind, phase IIa dose-finding study of Vandetanib (ZD6474) in Japanese patients with non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol., 3(4):386-93, 2008
- Seto T, Kiura K, Nishio M, Nakagawa K, Maemondo M, Inoue A, Hida T, Yamamoto N, Yoshioka H, Harada M, Ohe Y, Nogami N, Takeuchi K, Shimada T, Tanaka T, Tamura T. CH5424802 (RO5424802) for patients with ALK-rearranged advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (AF-001JP study): a single-arm, open-label, phase 1-2 study. Lancet Oncol. 20
- Ichihara E, Hotta K, Nogami N, Kuyama S, Kishino D, Fujii M, Kozuki T, Tabata M, Harada D, Chikamori K, Aoe K, Ueoka H, Hosokawa S, Bessho A, Hisamoto-Sato A, Kubo T, Oze I, Takigawa N, Tanimoto M, Kiura K. Phase II trial of gefitinib in combination with bevacizumab as first-line therapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer with activating EGFR gene mutations: the Okayama Lung Cancer Study Group Trial 1001. J Thorac Oncol. 2015;10(3):486-491
[Chemoprevention for non-small cell lung cancer]
- Mimoto J, Kiura K, Matsuo K, Yoshino T, Takata I, Ueoka H, Kataoka M, Harada M: (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate can prevent cisplatin-induced lung tumorigenesis in A/J mice. Carcinogenesis, 21(5):915-919, 2000
- Hisamoto A, Kondo E,Kiura K, Okada T, Hosokawa S, Mimoto J, Takigawa N, Tabata M, Tanimoto M: Point mutation of K-ras gene in cisplatin-induced lung tumours in A/J mice. Lung Cancer, 58(1);15-20,2007
- Kishino D, Kiura K, Takigawa N, Katayama H, Kuyama S, Sato K, Okada T, Ohashi K, Tanimoto M: Effect of gefitinib on N-nitrosamine-4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone induced lung tumorigenesis in A/J mice. Lung Cancer, 65(3):284-9, 2009
- Ohashi K, Takigawa N, Osawa M, Ichihara E, Takeda H, Kubo T, Hirano S, Yoshino T, Takata M, Tanimoto M, Kiura K: Chemopreventive effects of gefitinib on nonsmoking-related lung tumorigenesis in activating epidermal growth factor receptor transgenic mice. Cancer Res., 69(17):7088-95, 2009
[Activating EGFR gene mutation positive lung cancer]
Fujiwara K, Kiura K, Ueoka H, Tabata M, Hamasaki S, Tanimoto M: Dramatic effect of ZD1839 (‘Iressa’) in a patient with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer and poor performance status. Lung Cancer, 40(1):73-6,2003
Tokumo M, Toyooka S, Kiura K, Shigematsu H, Tomii K, Aoe M, Ichimura K, Tsuda T, Yano M, Tsukuda K, Tabata M, Ueoka H, Tanimoto M, Date H, Gazdar AF, Shimizu N: The relationship between epidermal growth factor receptor mutations and clinicopathologic features in non-small cell lung cancers.
Ohashi K, Rai K, Fujiwara Y, Osawa M, Hirano S, Takata K, Kondo E, Yoshino T, Takata M, Tanimoto M, Kiura K: Induction of lung adenocarcinoma in transgenic mice expressing activated EGFR driven by the SP-C promoter. Cancer Sci., 99(9):1747-53, 200
Ichihara E,Ohashi K, Takigawa N, OsawaM, Ogino A, TanimotoM,Kiura K: Effects of vandetanib on lung adenocarcinoma cells emerging an acquired EGFR T790M mutation in vivo. Cancer Res., 69(12):5091-8, 2009
Ohashi K, Sequist LV, Arcila ME, Moran T, Chmielecki J, Lin YL, Pan Y, Wang L,de Stanchina E, Shien K, Aoe K, Toyooka S, Kiura K, Fernandez-Cuesta L, Fidias P, Yang JC, Miller VA, Riely GJ, Kris MG, Engelman JA, Vnencak-Jones CL, Dias-Santagata D, Ladanyi M, Pao W. Lung cancers with acquired resistance to EGFR inhibitors occasionally harbor BRAF gene mutations but lack mutations in KRAS, NRAS, or MEK1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(31):E2127-33, 2012.
Shien K, Toyooka S, Yamamoto H, Soh J, Jida M, Thu KL, Hashida S, Maki Y, Ichihara E, Asano H, Tsukuda K, Takigawa N, Kiura K, Gazdar AF, Lam WL, Miyoshi S. Acquired Resistance to EGFR Inhibitors Is Associated with a Manifestation of Stem Cell-like Properties in Cancer Cells. Cancer Res. 73(10):3051-61,2013
Kiura K, Saijo N: Can dose-dense chemotherapy improve outcome in patients with betterprognosis small-cell lung cancer? Nat Clinic Pract Oncol 2(12):610-611.2005
Toyooka S, Kiura K, Mitsudomi T: EGFR mutation and response of lung cancer to gefitinib. N Engl J Med. 352(20):2136, 2005
Fujiwara Y, Hotta K, Kiura K: Prophylactic cranial irradiation in small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med. 357(19):1977-8, 2008
Ichihara E, Matsuoka J, Kiura K: Early palliative care in non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med., 363(23):2263, 2010
Hotta K, Nagio T, Matsuo K,Kiura K. Cure- or care-oriented regimen for stage III non-small-cell lung cancer? J Clin Oncol. 29(11):e320,2011
Kiura K. Chemotherapy for lung cancer: still alive! Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2015 [Epub ahead of print] (in press)